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Species Neoscapteriscus vicinus - Tawny Mole Cricket

Tawny Mole Cricket - Neoscapteriscus vicinus - female Neoscapteriscus vicinus Which Mole Cricket - Neoscapteriscus vicinus - female Mole Cricket - Neoscapteriscus vicinus Family Gryllotalpidae - Mole Crickets ID please - Neoscapteriscus vicinus Alien bug - Neoscapteriscus vicinus Found this in the parking lot, under light - Neoscapteriscus vicinus Mole cricket? - Neoscapteriscus vicinus
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Crickets, Katydids)
Suborder Ensifera (Long-horned Orthoptera)
Infraorder Gryllidea (Crickets)
Family Gryllotalpidae (Mole Crickets)
Genus Neoscapteriscus (Two-clawed Mole Crickets)
Species vicinus (Tawny Mole Cricket)
Other Common Names
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder, 1869. Type locality: Rio Negro, Argentina
Scapteriscus agassizii Scudder, 1869. Type locality: Switzerland; probably introduced from South America

Neoscapteriscus vicinus (Scudder, 1869)
Distinguished from others in the genus by tarsal dactyls (the toothlike projections on the front legs) almost touching at the base. See genus guide page for keys.
Feeds on both animal and plant material. Can be a serious pest of turfgrasses especially Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass, where in addition to feeding damge on both below- and above-ground portions of plants, shallow tunnelling especially by more mature insects leads to turfgrass dessication. Also a pest on many crops especially tomatoes and strawberries, particularly in the seedling stage.
Life Cycle
One generation per year, with eggs laid in April-May.
Native to S. America, this species was first reported in Georgia in 1899.

Males call from the enlarged entrance to their underground burrows to attract females. "The tawny mole cricket produces a loud, nasal trill at about 130 pulses per second during the first 90 minutes after sunset."(University of Florida)
Internet References