Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Euamiana endopolia (Dyar, 1912)
Amiana endopolia Dyar, 1912
Paramiana exculta Blanchard and Knudson, 1986
Phylogenetic sequence # 931591
(4) Explanation of Names
Dyar (1912) stated "The whitest specimen was examined by Sir G. F. Hampson and the name here used was suggested by him."
"endopolia" gray or light within.
Dyar (1912) listed a wingspan of 37 mm.
Western Texas to southern Mexico.
Two Cotypes collected Tehuacan, Mexico, September, 1908, September, 1910 by R. Muller, #13938 in U.S.N.M.
Poole reported adults have been collected in August and September.
Poole reported the host plant and immature stages are unknown.
Robert W. Poole states "I examined a specimen of the type series prior to its description by Blanchard and Knudson and failed to recognize it as equal to the Mexican species
Amiana endopolia Dyar. Therefore the responsibility for this synonymy is mine."
(2) Print References
(5), A. & E.C. Knudson 1986. Four new moths from Texas (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Noctuidae).
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 88(1):
134, figs. 14-20.
Dyar, H.G. 1912. Descriptions of new species and genera of Lepidoptera, chiefly from Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 42: