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Is this a Confused Eusarca or Maple Spanworm Moth ? - Eusarca

Is this a Confused Eusarca or Maple Spanworm Moth ? - Eusarca
Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA
June 29, 2013
Size: around 2 inches
I took this moth photo at 11:00 p.m. in my back yard. The moth was feeding on Milkweed flowers. It is a common moth but I did not know which species. It looks like either a Confused Eusarca or a Maple Spanworm Moth.

Images of this individual: tag all
Is this a Confused Eusarca or Maple Spanworm Moth ? - Eusarca Is this a Confused Eusarca or Maple Spanworm Moth ? - Eusarca

Moved from Geometrid Moths.

Caveman, I am not an expert, but I CAN tell you that this is not a Maple Spanworm Moth. From the wing edges in your picture with the wings like a butterfly, it looks more like Eusarca. The Confused Eusarca is usually very plain and looking at what I think might be a faint squared AM line I thought it could look like the gold colored spread image by Jim Vargo here. That said, from the range given on MPG they would not be common in Ohio.

From the angle of your dorsal image it is difficult to make a definitive ID.

Moved from Moths.

Yes, Sorry
Autosubscribe is where you check to get email notifications of comments. Sorry, no answer to your question yet. Summertime is tough for IDs because tons of images get uploaded while the experts are out at this time doing their own collecting for their research. Unfortunately that can mean no fast answers.
Also we forgot to mention that you can always find your images by clicking on 'Your Images' in the upper right of your screen. Once you see the thumbnails, click on them to visit your posts.


Moved from ID Request.

Moth ID and photos
I did not know the positive ID of the moth in the photos I submitted, so I submitted them to the ID Request page as anyone would. I stated that it is probably one of two species. Was there ever a positive ID made on the moth in my photos ?

You can always tell where your images are by looking
at the taxonomic string above the image, or by clicking on the Info tab. Your image has been moved to the Moth page where they will be seen by more moth specialists.
If you did not receive an email notifying you that your image had been moved then check on your contributor page to make sure you have signed up for automatic notifications. Clicking on your name under the image will take you to your contributor page where you can click on Edit and scroll down near the bottom for the field about automatic notification.
Feel free to write again if this is not clear.

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