Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Class Malacostraca - Malacostracans

Establishment of a Mediterranean isopod (Chaetophiloscia sicula Verhoeff, 1908) in a North American temperate forest
By Hornung E., Szlavecz K.
Biology of terrestrial isopods V: 181-189, 2003

The benthic and pelagic habitats of the red crab, Pleuroncodes planipes.
By Boyd, C.M.
Pacific Science 21(3): 394-403., 1967
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Boyd, C.M. (1967) The benthic and pelagic habitats of the red crab, Pleuroncodes planipes. Pacific Science 21(3): 394-403.

Two Additional Data on Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans: Ligidium blueridgensis, sp. nov., from Georgia and a North Carolina...
By George A. Schultz
J. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 1964
Two Additional Data on Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans: Ligidium blueridgensis, sp. nov., from Georgia and a North Carolina Cave Location for Miktoniscus linearis (Patience, 1908)


Ecological niche modeling and field surveys for the Kisatchie painted crayfish, Orconectes maleate [sic].
By Williams, et al.
Report to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin. Pgs. 1-10., 2014
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Williams, L.R., M.G. Williams, J. Banta, J. Hernandez, L. Brown, & J. Placyk. 2014. Ecological niche modeling and field surveys for the Kisatchie painted crayfish, Orconectes maleate [sic]. USFWS SWG Contract #447170. Final Report Submitted to Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., Austin, TX. October 2014. 10 pp.

[Note: correct spelling is: Orconectes maletae]


The Kisatchie Painted Crayfish has few historic records and is endemic to northeast Texas and western Louisiana. Most specimens have been collected in the Kisatchie Bayou drainage in Louisiana and the Cypress Creek drainage in Texas (Walls 1985). This species has historically been collected both in small, sandy streams and large, silty rivers. Little is known about the habitat requirements of this species. A thorough literature review turned up no peer-reviewed publication on the ecology or population genetics of this species. [snip]

Range extension and new hosts for the cymothoid isopod Anilocra acuta
By Thomas E. Bowman, Stephen A. Grabe and Jack H. Hecht
Chesapeake Science, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 390-393, 1977

Description of a new species of Anilocra from the Atlantic coast of North America
By H. Richardson
Proceedings of the United States National Museum 39: 137-138, 1910

A new amphipod in the genus Amphiporeia from Virginia
By Shoemaker C.R.
Washington Academy of Sciences 23(4): 212-216, 1933
Online: Shoemaker, 1933

Adaptations in morphology and life cycle of subterranean populations of Caecidotea racovitzai australis from South Florida ( ...
By Alessandro Campanaro, Maria Cristina Bruno
Subterranean Biology, 2007
Full name: Adaptations in morphology and life cycle of subterranean populations of Caecidotea racovitzai australis from South Florida (Isopoda: Asellidae)