Ecological niche modeling and field surveys for the Kisatchie painted crayfish, Orconectes maleate [sic].
By Williams, et al.
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Williams, L.R., M.G. Williams, J. Banta, J. Hernandez, L. Brown, & J. Placyk. 2014. Ecological niche modeling and field surveys for the Kisatchie painted crayfish,
Orconectes maleate [sic]. USFWS SWG Contract #447170. Final Report Submitted to Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., Austin, TX. October 2014. 10 pp.
[Note: correct spelling is:
Orconectes maletae]
The Kisatchie Painted Crayfish has few historic records and is endemic to northeast Texas and western Louisiana. Most specimens have been collected in the Kisatchie Bayou drainage in Louisiana and the Cypress Creek drainage in Texas (Walls 1985). This species has historically been collected both in small, sandy streams and large, silty rivers. Little is known about the habitat requirements of this species. A thorough literature review turned up no peer-reviewed publication on the ecology or population genetics of this species. [snip]