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Species Zelus tetracanthus

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Zelus renardii and Z. tetracanthus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): Biological attributes and the potential for dispersal ...
By Christiane Weirauch, Claudia Alvarez, Guanyang Zhang
Florida Entomologist, 95(3):641-649, 2012
Full title: Zelus renardii and Z. tetracanthus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): Biological attributes and the potential for dispersal in two assassin bug species
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A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens
By Guanyang Zhang, Elwood R Hart, Christiane Weirauch
Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e8150 , 2016
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Genus Zelus Fabricius in the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
By Hart E.R.
Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 79: 535-548, 1986

Contribution to the morphology and phylogeny of the Reduvioidea. Part IV. The Harpactoroid complex
By Davis N.T.
Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 62: 74‒94, 1969

Sinopse dos Apiomerini, com chave ilustrada para os gêneros (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Harpactorinae)
By Gil-Santana H.R., Costa L.A.A., Forero D., Zeraik S.O.
Publ. avuls. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro 97: 1‒21, 2003

Two new species of Reduviidae from the United States (Hem.).
By Barber, H.G.
The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 24(4): 103-104., 1922
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Barber, H.G. 1922. Two new species of Reduviidae from the United States (Hem.). The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 24(4): 103-104.

Assassin Bugs of Virginia (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
By Hoffman R.L.
The Insects of Virginia 15: vi+73 pp., 2006

The Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Alabama, with a morphological key to species
By Clem C.S., Swanson D.R., Ray C.H.
Zootaxa 4688: 151–198, 2019

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