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Genus Cryptocephalus

Cryptocephalus cribripennis J. L. LeConte - Cryptocephalus cribripennis Case-Bearer Chrysomelid? - Cryptocephalus Cryptocephalus bivius beetle, poss. a leaf beetle, chrysomelidae - Cryptocephalus mutabilis Cryptocephalus sp.? - Cryptocephalus notatus Cryptocephalus quadruplex Cryptocephalus - Cryptocephalus incertus Crytocephalus, is this pinicolus? - Cryptocephalus
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Coleoptera (Beetles)
Suborder Polyphaga
No Taxon (Series Cucujiformia)
Superfamily Chrysomeloidea (Longhorn and Leaf Beetles)
Family Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles)
Subfamily Cryptocephalinae (Case-bearing Leaf Beetles)
Tribe Cryptocephalini
Subtribe Cryptocephalina
Genus Cryptocephalus
Explanation of Names
Cryptocephalus Geoffroy 1762
Greek kryptos (κρυπτος) 'hidden' + kephale (κεφαλη) 'head' (head recessed into prothorax)
~80 spp. in our area(1)(2)
Visual and distributional guide to our fauna provided in(3)
keys to spp. in (4)
Plant associations for adults are numerous, and many probably incidental(6)
still missing in guide:
[basalis-group] C. lunulatus Schöller [TX] (lunatus White)
C. cowaniae Schaeffer [AZ]
C. contextus White [AZ]
C. disruptus White [CO]
C. egregius Schaeffer [NJ‒TX]
C. virginiensis White [VA]
[confluentus-group] C. dorsatus White [TX]
[quercus-group] C. astralosus White [AZ]
[tinctus-group] C. lateritius Newman [NC‒FL]
Print References
Riley E.G., Gilbert A.J. 1999 (2000) Three new species of Cryptocephalus Geoffroy from the United States and a new United States record (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae). Consortium Coleopterorum, Occasional Papers 3: 30‒35.
Works Cited
1.American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea
Arnett, R.H., Jr., M. C. Thomas, P. E. Skelley and J. H. Frank. (eds.). 2002. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
2.Catalog of Leaf Beetles of America North of Mexico
Ed Riley, Shawn Clark, and Terry Seeno. 2003. Coleopterists Society.
3.Quinn M. (2010) North American Cryptocephalus species (Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae)
4.A review of the genus Cryptocephalus in America north of Mexico (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera).
White, R.E. 1968. USNM Bulletin 290. 124 pp.
5.The leaf beetles of Alabama
Edward Balsbaugh and Kirby Hays. 1972. Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University.
6.Host plants of leaf beetle species occurring in the United States and Canada
Clark et al. 2004. Coleopterists Society, Special Publication no. 2, 476 pp.