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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
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Photos of insects and people from the 2024 BugGuide gathering in Idaho July 24-27

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Photos of insects and people from the 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico, July 20-24

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Genus Allonemobius - Robust Ground Crickets

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Key to Tree Crickets encountered in the U.S.
This key can be used to identify tree crickets found in the U.S.

The Grasshoppers of Nebraska
In the format of a printed guide; published by the Nebraska Extension Service out of the University of Nebraska.

Has identification keys, photographs of pinned specimens, and distribution maps for most species in the state. It is a good reference for identifying Grasshoppers, useful in much of the northern and central Great Plains and regions immediately adjacent.

Grasshoppers on the Canadian Prairies
Identification notes and general information about grasshoppers of the Canadian Prairies and the Northern Great Plains.

Checklist of the Orthopteroid Orders of Oklahoma
Checklist contains 215 true Orthoptera plus 19 species of cockroaches, 4 species of mantids and 8 species of walkingsticks.

Link updated 14 January 2010.

Orthoptera of Michigan
PDF file, full title: The Orthoptera of Michigan — Biology, Keys, and Descriptions of Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets.

I only see the Acrididae in that link--needs investigation. Color photos of each genus in that volume. Apparently the PDF is only part of the whole publication--too bad.

There is supposed to be a print version, quoting from the web site:
The Orthoptera of Michigan, Biology, keys, and descriptions of grasshoppers, katydids and crickets by Roger Bland. MSU Extension Bulletin E-2815, 220 pp. ISBN - 1-56525-017-6. ordering information is online at:

Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
Includes Key to Wyoming Grasshoppers, etc.
Link updated (again) 4 March 2014--see comments below.

Orthoptera Species File Online
From the home page:

"The Orthoptera Species File (OSF) is a taxonomic database of the world's orthopteroid insects. It contains full synonymic and taxonomic information for over 25,000 species and genera (all taxa described prior to 1998) of the Tettigonioidea (katydids and haglids),Grylloidea (crickets), Acridomorpha (locusts and grasshoppers: Acridoidea + Eumastacoidea + Trigonopterygoidea + Pneumoroidea + Pamphagoidea), Tetrigoidea (pygmy grasshoppers), and Tridactyloidea (sand crickets), as well as images and sounds for many species. A database for the Gryllacridoidea will become available in the second half of 1999. This site also includes a searchable database of entomologists working on the Orthoptera."

Orthoptera of the Northern Great Plains
Has keys, photo gallery of thumbnails.

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