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The leaf beetles of Alabama
By Edward Balsbaugh and Kirby Hays
Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, 1972
Cite: 8239 with citation markup [cite:8239]
Bulletin #441 of Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station.

I found this at a used bookstore. It is a technical work, with extensive keys and descriptions. Accounts includes host plant information if known--very helpful. Has about 30 figures of leaf beetles: black-and-white photographs and a few scratchboard illustrations. Has an extensive reference list.

Updated link for PDF
Older links below no longer seem to work, but I was able to track a PDF of this publication at

Patrick, I just happened to find the bulletin on Amazon, for $13. Hopefully, I can sort out my Colaspis leaf beetles.

You can (as of 1/10/17) download this here.

The link to the pdf download is in the upper left.

A PDF version of the original bulletin is available here:

Mike's link below goes to a web-version of the same publication.

The Leaf Beetles of Alabama
Full text here.

Balsbaugh, Jr., E.U. & K.L. Hays. 1972. The Leaf Beetles of Alabama (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 441: 1-223.

New Link 2022
A PDF of the scanned pages and a web page with the full text is now available at

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