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Golden Silk Spider - Nephila clavipes? - Trichonephila clavipes

Golden Silk Spider - Nephila clavipes? - Trichonephila clavipes
Davie, Broward County, Florida, USA
October 10, 2006
Okay.. I will be posting 2 images seperately, they seem to both look similar but different, but when I checked the guide I saw both of these with the same species name.. is there any particular reason for this, and I don't think this one is a female and the other a male, I saw the males with both of these, much smaller, so I am guessing these are both females, but why the differeces but same species?


Moved from Spiders.

This one
looks gravid, which would give it the fuller rounded abdomen, making it look a little different. Could that be what is making it look different to you?

Not just that, but
Also the pattern looks different on the abdomen, am I just seeing things?



There's a bit of variation on these
especially between juveniles and adults. I suspect your skinny one is a younger one too - size estimates would help. The legs and general coloration are unmistakable, though.

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