Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Palpita arsaltealis (
Walker, 1859)
Botys arsaltealis Walker, 1859
Phylogenetic sequence #156000
wingspan about 16 mm, based on photo by Jim Vargo at MPG
wingspan of one individual (
here) measured at 19 mm
Adult: forewing light grayish-brown with heavy dark speckling; irregular dark patches in median and basal areas; hindwing similar but lacks large dark patches
northeastern United States, south to South Carolina, plus Quebec and Ontario
adults fly from spring to late summer
page creation based on Brian Scholtens' identification of images
here and
hereSee Also
Splendid Palpita (
P. magniferalis) pattern is variable but usually has more white on forewing, and less speckling on hindwing (
compare images of both species by Jim Vargo at MPG)
Print References
Munroe, E. G. 1950: The generic positions of some North American Lepidoptera commonly referred to Pyrausta Schrank (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). – The Canadian Entomologist, Ottawa 82 (11): 220.
Walker, F. 1859 c: Pyralides. – List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, London 18: 564-65.
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group – images of live and pinned adults
BOLD Systems - images of pinned DNA supported specimens
pinned adult image by Jim Vargo (Moth Photographers Group)
pinned adult image by John Glaser, plus date (Larry Line, Maryland)