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Cochylini - Aethes argentilimitana

Cochylini - Aethes argentilimitana
Odenton, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, USA
July 5, 2013
Attracted to balcony light. IDed by BAMONA as a Rings' Cochylid Moth. Third record and first Maryland record for BG if you agree.

Images of this individual: tag all
Cochylini - Aethes argentilimitana Cochylini - Aethes argentilimitana

Updated images
I updated the two images with reprocessed ones just now.

(The old photos were of quite poor quality. I was still learning both raw image processing in mid 2013, and it showed. The new images show the same moth from the same raw image files, just processed better.)

ID Info
I still have your old images. The new images are much better. Thanks!

Not sure if you saw the email I sent. It did not include my personal observations which lead to the my questioning images like yours. From what I could tell A. argentilimitana can have the dark bands edged with reflective gold like C. ringsi. However, ringsi appears to lack such a well defined forked subterminal band and the am. band fades basally with ground color at the base. You can see examples similar to yours at BOLD in BOLD:AAB7231, which is the BIN for A. argentilimitana.


3754.2 – Aethes argentilimitana?
Not sure BAMONA has it right. Who identified it?


I’m guessing that the identification of your image was based on misidentified Aethes argentilimitana at MPG. I'll email you more information.

Moved from ID Request.

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