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hornet - Vespa crabro - male

hornet - Vespa crabro - Male
fayetteville, washington County, Arkansas, USA
October 14, 2006
Size: ~25mm
Vespa crabro drone?

I'm so jealous... haha
Awesome find!

Kudos for this article. I fel
Kudos for this article. I felt your post was pretty intriguing. Cheers once again - I will come back.
kitchenaid kfp740

Colonized Tree
I live in Kernersville, NC, and a colony of European hornets has infested a knot in a tree near my house this year. I understand that they are fairly aggressive creatures, and that I may not want to try to get rid of them myself. But, since it will freeze in the next couple months, I wonder what I should do. If I wait until winter, when I assume that they will be dead, can I do something to the nest to ensure that they won't colonize it again next year?

it is

Very Large Hornet in Northern NJ?
Hello. I recently (October) saw this very same Hornet in Northern NJ, and I've never seen it before. Aside from that, it was approximately 3 INCHES LONG, and very large. Is this a normal size and location for this type of insect? I'm fascinated by the size of it. It was alone and very aggressive. Any comments are welcomed! Thanks!!

that would be about the normal size of a European Hornet, perhaps queen, i am not very sure of their range, but it is likely you have them in your area... they are an introduced species not native to north america. in fall, what you saw probably would have been a queen or drone, if it was acting pretty aggressive, perhaps a male... but i think social wasps are pretty mean in general, compared to solitary wasps anyway. i hope that comes close to answering your questions.

Thanks - one more question:
thanks very much for the quick response. I just found it interesting that in all the years I've lived here, I've never seen one....and I've never seen any wasp/hornet/etc this large before. One last question: Where to they typically nest? This hornet was buzzing back and forth between my grill (under the cover) and around my rooftop/attic opening - Should I be concerned?

this species is long-established in Brooklyn
but I rarely see one

They are also quite scarce and local in the vicinity of Ithaca, NY, and I never saw one ever

your level of concern my be directly proportional to the amount you use your attic, as that is a likely place for these wasps to build a nest. if you click on the info tab at the top of the page you can read some more about this species... at any rate you might want to check your attic come spring to see if you have any guests.

Very Large Hornet in Northern NJ?

thank you Dr. Ascher, they are fairly new to my area, at any rate i do not see them that often.

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