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Genus Chironomus

Chironomidae? - Chironomus - male Midge IMG_0275 - Chironomus - female Midge on a leaf - Chironomus - male Brown midge - Chironomus - female Chironomini - Chironomus - female Chironomus plumosus? Male? - Chironomus - male mosquito - Chironomus - male midge? - Chironomus - female
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Diptera (Flies)
No Taxon ("Nematocera" (Non-Brachycera))
Infraorder Culicomorpha (Mosquitoes and Midges)
Family Chironomidae (Non-biting Midges)
Subfamily Chironominae
Tribe Chironomini
No Taxon (Chironomus group)
Genus Chironomus
Other Common Names
midges, lake flies
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Tendipes Meigen 1800 (suppressed in favor of 1803 name)
Explanation of Names
Chironomus Meigen 1803
Cheironomos (Χειρονομος), is Greek for "one who moves the hands", referring to the front legs, which, at rest, are often raised and vibrated(1)
4 subgenera (Chironomus s.str., Chaetolabis, Camptochironomus, Lobochironomus), ~90 species, mostly in the nominate subgenus, many of them undescribed(2)
5-13 mm, the largest of midges
The genus is defined by features that are hard to see in photographs. Some of the more visible features of the genus are the shape of the pronotum, wide in the middle with a notch; a pair of small tubercles between and above the antenna bases (usually); 11-segmented male flagellum; and inferior volsella of male genitalia large and larger than superior. Each of these features is also found in some related genera.
The larva is red, and typically has tubes on the side or bottom of the eighth abdominal segment. Again, these characters are not sufficient on their own.
most of North America and the world
"Larvae are usually found in sediments, and can occur in highly polluted conditions or in relatively clean water. Larvae of the Ch. decorus group, Ch. riparius and Ch. stigmaterus are most often associated with high nutrient/low oxygen conditions."(3)