Other Common Names
California Oakworm (larva)
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Phryganidia californica Packard, 1864
Phylogenetic sequence # 930138
Adult: forewing translucent grayish-brown with prominent dark veins bordered by dull yellowish scales; hindwing light gray with dark veins; male antennae pectinate (feathery); female antennae simple
Larva: body with two middorsal white stripes bordered in purple; yellow subdorsal and spiracular stripes separated by grayish-purple stripe, bordered in black; transverse black band on T1, A1, and A8; middorsal black spot on A5; head large, tan with faint tint of orange.
[Adaped from description by Jeffrey Miller]
Coastal California and Oregon
Adult moths can be found from March through November. (
Larvae present from fall through spring.
Caterpillars feed on leaves of oak, especially
California Live Oak (
Quercus agrifolia).
Life Cycle
Two generations per year in northern California; sometimes a third generation in southern California. Overwinters as a larva on underside of oak leaf. Populations are cyclic: larvae are common in some years, and virtually absent in others.
Many online publications for this species concerning control, etc., @
Internet References
Butterflies and Moths of North America pinned adult image by Paul Opler, plus distribution map (Montana State University)
Caterpillars of Pacific Northwest Forests and Woodlands live larva image by Jeffrey Miller, plus description, foodplants, seasonality (USGS)
24 specimen records in California, plus locations and dates (U. of California at Berkeley)
California Oakworm management guidelines species account plus links to photos of eggs and larvae (U. of California at Davis)