Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Mesogona rubra Hammond & Crabo, [1998]
Phylogenetic sequence # 932611
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2010) included three species of the genus
Mesogona in America north of Mexico.
forewing length as 18-21 mm.
Detailed description is available at the link to the Mesogoan revision in citations below. From the key to adults in the revision,
rubra has thorax and forewings that are brownish red to pink with faint or absent forewing spots; hindwings are uniform copper-colored or reddish without gray scales.
Determined by Lars Crabo.
Powell & Opler (2009) reported the range to include coastal Washington to central California.
Powell & Opler (2009) reported a single flight of late August to mid-October.
Powell & Opler (2009) listed two species of manzanita.
Arctostaphylos columbiana Piper (hairy manzanita).
Arctostaphylos nevadensis A. Gray (pinemat manzanita).
See Also
Mesogona subcupreata has hindwings similar to
rubra, but the forewings are yellow-brown with orbicular and reniform spots strongly outlined.
Mesogona olivata has hindwings that are gray or with gray suffusion.
(2) Print References
Crabo, L.G. & P.C. Hammond 1997 [1998]. A revision of Mesogona Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) for North America with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, 34: 83–98.
Powell, J.A. & P.A. Opler, 2009.
Moths of Western North America. University of California Press, pl. 54, fig. 10; p. 298.
(3)Contributed by
Maury J. Heiman on 11 September, 2013 - 4:32pm
Additional contributions by
Steve MorrisLast updated 4 February, 2023 - 11:34am