Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Negalasa fumalis Barnes & McDunnough
(1), 1913
Negalasa fumalis is the only member of the genus listed in America north of Mexico.
(3) Size
Barnes & McDunnough (1913) listed the wingspan.
♂ 15 mm.
♀ 18 mm.
Barnes & McDunnough (1913) description stated.
♂ "Palpi, head and thorax pale ochraceous; tufts on legs smoky brown, primaries, pale to deep ochraceous, slightly sprinkled with smoky scales and shaded with smoky along costa, crossed by two faint waved ochreous lines; the t. a. line is upright, bordered inwardly by a black shade, usually more prominent than the line itself; t. p. line strongly excurved, from 2nd costal sinus, then subparallel to outer margin, with prominent black border; faint trace of dark terminal line; fringes ochreous, smoky outwardly and apically; secondaries pale ochreous, slightly smoky, especially along vein 2. Beneath, primaries deep ochreous, secondaries pale, costa of both wings shaded with black; traces of postmedian smoky line marked on costa with ochreous spot."
♀ "Primaries much deeper in color than in ♂, smoky brown, crossed by two indistinct black lines, corresponding to the black shade-lines of ♂; secondaries smoky."
Southern Texas, southern Arizona.
Barnes & McDunnough (1913) collected adults in San Benito, Texas (March, May, and July), and Brownsville, Texas (October, November).
No information on immature stages or host.
Print References
Barnes, W. & J.H. McDunnough, 1913.
Contributions to the Natural History of the Lepidoptera of North America. The Review Press, 2(3):
136; pl. 9, figs. 3-4.