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Species Yakuhananomia bidentata

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An annotated checklist of Wisconsin Mordellidae (Coleoptera)
By Lisberg, A. E. & D. Young
Insecta Mundi, Vol. 17, No. 3-4: 195 - 203, 2003
A three-year survey of Wisconsin Mordellidae (Coleoptera) encompassing a compilation of data from
literature records and local collections as well as field work including trapping, hand-collecting, and rearing
yielded 68 species comprising 14 genera in three tribes. Sixty-three species (92% of Wisconsin fauna) represent
new state species records, not previously recorded from the state in the literature. Plant-associations and state-
specific temporal and spatial distribution data for larvae and adults are noted as available.

Descriptions of Four New Species of Tumbling Flower Beetles (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) from Eastern North America
By Steury, B.W. and W.E. Steiner
The Coleopterists Bulletin, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 699-709, 2020

"Four new species of tumbling flower beetles (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) are described from the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA in eastern North America: Mordellina wimbledon Steury and Steiner, new species, Mordellina washingtonensis Steury and Steiner, new species, Mordellistena virginica Steury and Steiner, new species, and Pseudotolida syphaxi Steury and Steiner, new species. Images and descriptions are provided for each new species. Comparisons are made with morphologically similar species."

New larval host plant associations of tumbling flower beetles (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) in North America
By Ford E.J., Jackman J.A.
Col. Bull. 50: 361-368, 1996

A catalog of Coleoptera of America north of Mexico. Family: Mordellidae
By Bright D.E.
USDA Agric. handbook no. 529-125. viii+22 pp., 1986

Diversity and phenology of tumbling flower beetles (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) captured in a malaise trap.
By Jackman and Nelson
Entomological News 106(3): 97-107., 1995
Jackman, J.A., and C.R. Nelson. 1995. Diversity and phenology of tumbling flower beetles (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) captured in a malaise trap. Entomological News 106(3): 97-107.

BioStor - BHL

ABSTRACT: Adult mordellid beetles were monitored at Brackenridge Field Laboratory in Austin, Texas from January 1990 through December 1990 using a Malaise trap. A total of 754 specimens representing 35 species (17% of the North American fauna) and one subspecies were taken in this study. Twenty-eight of the species and one subspecies are recorded for the first time from Texas. Specimens were collected as early as March 13-19 and as late as November 27-December 3. Up to 19 species, nearly 10% of the mordellid fauna of North American north of Mexico, were collected in a single week. However, 19 (52%) of the taxa reported in this study were represented by five or fewer specimens indicating that most species were relatively rare. The seasonal flight pattern indicated a unimodal flight activity pattern for the family and also for most species.

Taxonomic changes for fifteen species of North American Mordellidae (Coleoptera)
By Lisberg A.E.
Insecta Mundi 17: 191-194, 2003

Nomenclatural changes for selected Mordellidae (Coleoptera) in North America
By J.A. Jackman & W. Lu
Insecta Mundi 15(1): 31-34, 2001

Monograph of the Family Mordellidae (Coleoptera) of North America, North of Mexico
By Emil Liljeblad
University of Michigan Press, 1945
Miscellaneous Publications Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, #62.

Referenced in American Beetles and Downie and Arnett. Title sums it up: 193 species, 15 genera, 230 pages, 7 plates of b/w line drawings of many species. Copies still available!

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