one of 3 species in this genus in North America listed at
two subspecies (P. c. albertae and P. c. contadina) listed at All-Leps
wingspan about 40 mm, based on photo by Jeff Miller at USGS
Adult: two forms - light and dark (perhaps corresponding to the two subspecies?) - forewing of light form mostly whitish with contrasting black markings; forewing of dark form mostly brownish-gray with slightly darker median area; in both forms, AM, PM, and subterminal lines jagged; reniform and orbicular spots large, filled with ground color; thin dark bar usually connects AM line to PM line near inner margin; hindwing brownish-gray with darker veins and diffuse discal spot; top of thorax colored similarly to forewing in both forms
British Columbia and Alberta to California and Utah
wet western coniferous and mixed forests
larvae feed on leaves of flowering trees and shrubs, especially
blueberry/huckleberry (
Vaccinium spp.)
See Also
Platypolia anceps forewing is intermediate between the two forms of P. contadina, being slightly darker and less contrasting than the light form, and noticeably paler than the dark form
Platypolia loda forewing is darker than dark form of P. contadina, being almost black, and lacking any brownish tint
Internet References
pinned adult image of light form, plus description, habitat, flight season, foodplants, similar species (Jeff Miller, Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands, USGS)
presence in Oregon 49 pinned adults in collection, including locally collected specimens (Oregon State U.)
presence in Utah; list (Joel Johnson, Utah Lepidopterists' Society)
presence in California; list (U. of California at Berkeley)
distribution in Canada list of provinces (U. of Alberta, using CBIF data)