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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
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Moths Butterflies Flies Caterpillars Flies Dragonflies Flies Mantids Cockroaches Bees and Wasps Walkingsticks Earwigs Ants Termites Hoppers and Kin Hoppers and Kin Beetles True Bugs Fleas Grasshoppers and Kin Ticks Spiders Scorpions Centipedes Millipedes

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Previous events

Rain beetle season 2013-2014

Rain beetle season has arrived here in Butte County, California. I had a single male fly in to the mercury vapor on my back porch just before 7am this morning.

In last year’s thread, I mentioned that BugGuide was only missing photos of three of the described species. One of those was added recently, thanks to Guy A. Hanley

Now, the only described species missing from guide are:
P. crinita Linsley -- northern OR/southern WA (I have specimens of this species. I'll add a photo when I get the chance.)
P. hoppingi Fall -- Sierra Nevada Mts ranging from east of Sacramento to south of Fresno; this species seems to be one of the spring/snow melt emergers

Like my thread last year, this thread is for people to report their encounters with rain beetles. I knew nothing about this group of beetles before arriving in California 12 years ago. They can be caught at lights (black lights, mercury vapor, you name it). They can be found floating in puddles or ponds. The easiest way to catch rain beetles is probably just by placing a pan of water under a porch light on a rainy night.

Happy beetling!

More flights
We're in the midst of a several day, soaking rain here in Northern California. I had a nice flight of P. staff in my backyard yesterday morning. Several males were hovering over a small patch of ground, but none stayed so either the female was too deep or they were simply lost. I also saw one male flying around just after 4pm yesterday afternoon.

Anyone else having any luck?

Second day, P staff
I had 12 come to my mercury vapor this morning (just uphill from Paradise). The first one came in at 6:40am and the last one was at 6:53. As of a couple minutes ago, a few males are still flying around the yard. No females today.

ETA: Even though it's now light outside, I had a straggler fly past the MV at 7:32.

Rian Beetles in Paradise
Heard from a friend that P. staff "activity was heavy" yesterday morning in Cohasset, and as we've heard, P. fimbriata activity reported from Amador County. Hoping for better weather..

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