Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Infraorder Pentatomomorpha

Reduviidae? Reduviidae? Reduviidae? a gathering of beetles - male - female a gathering of beetles - male - female red bug Two similar insects near each other Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Variant or Something Else? Insect Identification Tiny Heteroptera Tiny Heteroptera Tiny Heteroptera Stenocoris and Loxa side-by-side

Family Miridae Oxycarenus big nymph? Lygaeoidea? Nymph, Belonochilus numenius? Nymph, Belonochilus numenius? Nymph, Belonochilus numenius? Alright, Maybe a Lygaeus kalmia Nymph? Bug nymph Lygaeoidea nymph ID request Hemipteran nymph ID request Hemipteran nymph ID request