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Pregnant tanaid: Zeuxo sp.? - Synaptotanais notabilis - female

Pregnant tanaid: Zeuxo sp.? - Synaptotanais notabilis - Female
Newport Bay, Orange County, California, USA
November 16, 2013


Moved from Tanaididae. Identified with The Tanaidae (Crustacea; Tanaidacea) Of California, With A Key To The World Genera. Uropods are long and slender, ruling out Zeuxo and all other native genera (and in fact most genera worldwide). Though at first I considered the possibility that the uropods merely looked slender due to the angle of the photo, Zeuxo and other genera have uropods that just look too different to be distorted enough to look like the ones on this specimen. Comparison of the gnathopod, antenna 1 (and to a lesser extent the tougher to make out ant. 2), and the pereonites and pleonites (though a dorsal view would've made this much easier) with the description of the species backed up the ID. Admittedly, the pereopods didn't compare favorably, but that seems to be due to their being at awkward angles. For future reference, always get a dorsal shot and, in the case of Zeuxo, shots of the following characters (which would need to be seen through a microscope): the coxa of pereopod 1 (the first after the gnathopod), the carpus of pereopods 2-4, and the lacina mobilis of the mandibles. Note that I'd image that last one, which I've never heard of and can't locate among the many mouthparts, would require either dissection or an excellent shot of the mouthparts from directly in front (not sure how one would manage that.) Zeuxo can be identified by the combination of the following characteristics: pleon of five segments, first article of antenna 1 2.5-3.0 times length of second article (vs. 2.0 times in Anatanais pseudonormani). Good luck!


Moved from Isopods. Actually probably in Tanaidacea, which I just added to the guide. It's a peracaridan order that used to be part of Isopoda.

Quite possibly
Don't know my West Coast Isopods though

Moved from ID Request.

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