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Small Cricket - Pictonemobius - male

Small Cricket - Pictonemobius - Male
Payne's Prairie SP, Alachua County, Florida, USA
November 12, 2006
Size: 8mm

Bar-faced Ground Cricket?
This looks like one of the bar-faced ground crickets, a Pictonemobius. The Singing Insects site lists four species for your region and unfortunately there's just not enough visual info there for me to even think of taking a stab at the species myself, but they do seem to have different and distinct songs...perhaps you can ID your fellow by listening to whatever's singing in the area where you spotted him...?

Thanks for the ID. I will put it on the genus page. I am not sure that I can get out to hear the crickets, as this was in a State Park, and I live quite far away.

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