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clearwing moth - Synanthedon rileyana - female

clearwing moth - Synanthedon rileyana - Female
fayetteville, washington County, Arkansas, USA
September 6, 2006
Size: ~20mm


clearwing moth identification
Edward and Bob - this is actually a female of Synanthedon rileyana, but from this side view, it could be confused with P. marginata or Carmenta mimuli.

S. rileyana
thank you for the information Dr. Eichlin... wonderful looking moths.

Thanks for Correcting the ID.....
It is really wonderful to have you browsing through the library and clearing up mis-IDs. For the benefit of others, Thomas C. Eichlin and coauthor W. Donald Duckworth produced in 1988 MONA Fascicle 5.1 covering the Sesiidae of North America. It is a privilege to be put straight by Dr. Eichlin.

2513 -- Raspberry Crown Borer Moth -- Pennisetia marginata
(female), or so it appears to me, based on MONA monograph and earlier fine phtos by Tony Thomas.

thank you for identifying this one Bob.

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