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Acleris - Acleris subnivana

Acleris - Acleris subnivana
along Hwy 88 near Praag, Buffalo County, Wisconsin, USA
June 18, 2012
Came to UV lights. I'm wondering if anyone knows more about this one - I think it's either A. subnivana or A. negundana. MPG has specimens of negundana with both straight costas and indented ones, but the pinned specimens all have straight costas. MPG has pinned specimens of subnivana with speckled wings and indented costas. So is this A. subnivana?

Moved from Acleris.

Thanks Paul!

Marcie nice photo!
For what it is worth, I would call this negundana. Your image is almost identical to Bob Patterson's. Also, when I look at the mid costa pattern for subnivana, I see a butterfly (squarish body and two wings), including the images at BOLD. I don't see that pattern on your moth or most others of negundana. Finally, negundana is the speckled Acleris moth, and yours certainly shows appropriate speckling.

Thanks Gary..
That's very helpful. Do you think I should move it to A. negundana or wait for more comments?

I would wait
A few more weeks just in case you get more comments- then move it. My experience has been that almost all comments come within the first few days. I am not an expert, but I have looked at quite a few tortricids.

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