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wasps mating - Polistes fuscatus - male - female

wasps mating - Polistes fuscatus - Male Female
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
August 7, 2006
Size: 1 - 1 1/2 cm
After their brief encounter, they became very aggressive with each other. I'm not sure if it was the male or the female, but one of them seemed to be stinging the other over and over again. I don't know much about wasps, so I was wondering if someone could tell me what type these are. Thanks. :)

The male has no stinger...

Moved from Polistes.

i can not say i know them that well, but these are in the genus Polistes... it is a place to start looking. also, i think the one on top would be the male.

They were flopping around a lot while they were fighting, so unfortunately I had lost track of which was which when one started stinging the other. I think you are right with Polistes. I was thinking maybe fuscatus? The spots on the abdomen seem to match. Thanks so much for your help. :)

i was thinking P. fuscatus as well, but i can not say for sure... i think that spot is a way to identify that species.

Moved from Wasps.

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