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Species Neocurtilla hexadactyla - Northern Mole Cricket

Strange Insect - Neocurtilla hexadactyla - female Anybody know what this is? - Neocurtilla hexadactyla - female Northern Mole Cricket - Neocurtilla hexadactyla - female Mystery bug  - Neocurtilla hexadactyla Is this a male Northern Mole Cricket? - Neocurtilla hexadactyla Beetle-like insect that appears to have pinchers in the front - Neocurtilla hexadactyla Mystery Bug-What is it? - Neocurtilla hexadactyla Claw bug - Neocurtilla hexadactyla
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Crickets, Katydids)
Suborder Ensifera (Long-horned Orthoptera)
Infraorder Gryllidea (Crickets)
Family Gryllotalpidae (Mole Crickets)
Genus Neocurtilla (Northern Mole Crickets)
Species hexadactyla (Northern Mole Cricket)
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Formerly placed in genus Gryllotalpa.

Neocurtilla hexadactyla (Perty 1832)
19-33 mm
Compare Neoscapteriscus--Two-clawed Mole Crickets, e.g. S. borellii), Gryllotalpa (European Mole Cricket, local). Neoscapteriscus has two large claws on fore-tarsi, while Neocurtilla has four, with two more on the rest of the leg, giving six:

See SINA key. Also note brown pronotum of Neocurtilla. Neoscapteriscus seems to (usually?) show a dark gray pronotum with four light spots. Neocurtilla has short wings, Neoscapteriscus longer, covering much of abdomen. Prothorax of Neocurtilla forms short hood over head:

Prothorax of Neoscapteriscus forms a more smooth transition to head. Hind femur also shorter than pronotum (longer in Neoscapteriscus vicinus).
Call of Neocurtilla is a slow chirp, 2-3 per second (at 77 °F). Neoscapteriscus has a trilled call.
Eastern Canada south through eastern and central United States, where it is native. South to South America where it may be introduced.
Usually wet, sandy or muddy soil near streams, ponds. Also agricultural fields.
Typically mid-summer to fall (July-November) in much of range. March-November (North Carolina). June-October (Michigan).
Herbivore. Nymphs feed on plant roots.
Life Cycle
Two year life cycle in most of range, e.g., Carolinas and farther north. (In central Florida, overwinter as adults, have one-year life cycle.) Males call from burrows. Females lay eggs in chamber at the end of her burrow--guards nymphs through the second or third instars. Comes to lights.
See Also
Two-clawed Mole Crickets, Neoscapteriscus
Prairie Mole Cricket, Gryllotalpa major
Print References
Capinera, pp. 212-213, plate 47 (1)
Arnett,p. 168, fig. 11.28 (2)
Swan and papp, p. 78, fig. 41 (3)
Helfer, p. 323, fig. 515 (4)
Bland, p. 193 (5)
Brimley, p. 21 (6)
Salsbury, p. 77 (7)
Cranshaw, pp. 512-513 (8)
Internet References
Works Cited
1.Field Guide To Grasshoppers, Katydids, And Crickets Of The United States
John L. Capinera, Ralph D. Scott, Thomas J. Walker. 2004. Cornell University Press.
2.American Insects: A Handbook of the Insects of America North of Mexico
Ross H. Arnett. 2000. CRC Press.
3.The Common Insects of North America
Lester A. Swan, Charles S. Papp. 1972. Harper & Row.
4.How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cockroaches, and Their Allies
Jacques R. Helfer. 1962. Wm. C. Brown Company.
5.Orthoptera of Michigan
Roger Bland. 2003. Michigan State University Extension.
6.Insects of North Carolina
C.S. Brimley. 1938. North Carolina Department of Agriculture.
7.Insects in Kansas
Glenn A. Salsbury and Stephan C. White. 2000. Kansas Dept. of Agriculture.
8.Garden Insects of North America : The Ultimate Guide to Backyard Bugs (Princeton Field Guides)
Whitney Cranshaw. 2004. Princeton University Press.