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Tortricid IMG_5124 - Acleris macdunnoughi

Tortricid IMG_5124 - Acleris macdunnoughi
Merepoint, Brunswick, Cumberland County, Maine, USA
August 24, 2012
Acleris hastiana? Also found BOLD examples of A. celiana and A. macdunnoughi which are similar.

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Tortricid IMG_5124 - Acleris macdunnoughi Tortricid IMG_5124 - Acleris macdunnoughi

Moved from Acleris celiana.

Acleris macdunnoughi
often confused with celiana

Moved from Acleris.

ID Info?
I think you are correct but this phenotype seems to pop up in many species. BOLD:AAB6218 is the BIN group at BOLD for celiana is and it seems to contain very good matches but I don't how to eliminate those other species:

C. macdunnoughi: See sample CNCLEP00025133 in BOLD:AAA7793.

C. hastiana: This woud appear to be a complex involving several BINs with similar examples. (These BINs are close to each other in the tree. I don't think they reflect misidentifications though there may be undescribed species.):

BOLD:AAA9796 (Europe) - see BC ZSM Lep 61217
BOLD:AAA9793 (WA, USA and BC, Canada) - see RWWA-2390
BOLD:AAA9792 (Canada coast to coast) - see CGWC-3931
BOLD:AAA9794 (MB, AB, Canada) - see NoA-08-121

There are other species with similar but perhaps less convincing examples. For what it's worth I'm fine your determination but I'm just wondering what it is that you find convincing about celiana.

guess work
I spent some time yesterday trying to 'clean up' the unknown Acleris pages; over 30 on my monitor.
Just seemed a better place to put your moths than to leave them in the unidentified mess.
I think that just about all Acleris should be barcoded, or simply dissected.
Your points are valid and I have moved them to the "Remarks" window along with your images.

Works for me

Moved from Tortricid Moths.

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