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Species Ptinus latro - Brown Spider Beetle

Ptinus latro - male Ptinus latro - female Ptinus latro - male
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Coleoptera (Beetles)
Suborder Polyphaga
Superfamily Bostrichoidea
Family Ptinidae (Death-watch and Spider Beetles)
Subfamily Ptininae (Spider Beetles)
Tribe Ptinini
Genus Ptinus
No Taxon (subgenus Ptinus)
Species latro (Brown Spider Beetle)
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Ptinus clavipes Panzer 1792 [used as valid in(1)], Ptinus hirtellus Sturm 1837
Explanation of Names
Ptinus latro Fabricius 1775
3.0–3.7 mm(1)
Eurasia, Africa; spread with trade worldwide(2); in Canada adults of the diploid form have been found in NS-ON & BC; triploid females, in Montreal and Toronto(3)(4); much of the US (NY-GA to WI-KS-CA)(1)
The diploid form is found under natural conditions in the nests of wasps, birds, and rats, as well as in warehouses; the triploid form has been found mainly in warehouses, where it lives in close association with the bisexual form(3)
Life Cycle
females of the parthenogenetic form must mate with males of the sexual form to reproduce or, less successfully, with males of P. pusillus or P. fur (sperm activates the egg but does not contribute any chromosomes)(3)
Females exist in two forms: diploid (sexual) and triploid (parthenogenetic)(3)
earliest record in our area: USA before 1905(5)
Internet References
Works Cited
1.Death-watch and spider beetles of Wisconsin—Coleoptera: Ptinidae
Arango, R.A. and D.K. Young. 2012. General Technical Report FPL-GTR-209. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory.
2.Coleoptera Poloniae
3.Beetles associated with stored products in Canada: An identification guide
Bousquet Y. 1990. Research Branch Agriculture Canada, Publication 1837.
4.Checklist of beetles (Coleoptera) of Canada and Alaska. Second edition
Bousquet Y., Bouchard P., Davies A.E., Sikes D.S. 2013. ZooKeys 360: 1–402.
5.The Derodontidae, Dermestidae, Bostrichidae, and Anobiidae of the Maritime Provinces of Canada (Coleoptera: Bostrichiformia)
C.J. Majka. 2007. Zootaxa 1573: 1–38.
6.PaDIL – High quality images and information tools designed for Biosecurity and Biodiversity