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Epicauta sp blister beetle spotted - Epicauta andersoni

Epicauta sp blister beetle spotted - Epicauta andersoni
13 miles SE Las Animas, Bent County, Colorado, USA
May 29, 2013
This handsome spotted blister beetle was seen on a BioBlitz survey on property owned by SPLT (Southern Plains Land Trust). There are seven or so maculated species listed in Blister Beetles of Colorado. Are there enough details in the photos to get to species? This one seems somewhat like the description of andersoni with largish spots, some of them confluent, and prominent palpi. Any help is much appreciated.

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Epicauta sp blister beetle spotted - Epicauta andersoni Epicauta sp blister beetle, spotted head - Epicauta andersoni

Epicauta andersoni --det. J.D. Pinto
Moved from Epicauta.

Epicauta andersoni
Thank you so much, v belov, and our thanks also to J. D. Pinto for the identification to species. Your help is so much appreciated.

Some information on host plants
on this posting

Nice, hope it can be confirmed.
Moved from ID Request.

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