Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Fotella notalis Grote
(1), 1882
Hadenella cervoides Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2010) added the following three species as synonyms.
Fotella olivia Barnes & McDunnough
(3), 1912 [9834]
F. olivioides Barnes & Benjamin, 1925 [9835]
Caradrina fragosa (Grote, 1883) [9836].
Phylogenetic sequence # 932034
(2) Size
Grote (1882) did not mention a wing size.
(4) reports the forewing length as 10-13 mm.
California to western Texas.
Occurs in the dry desert areas.
(4) states "Adults have been collected throughout the spring, summer, and fall months. However
notalis seems to be most abundant in the spring (April and May) with a second peak in the fall (September and October)."
Poole reports the host and immature stages unknown.
(4)Print References
Barnes, W. & J.H. McDunnough, 1912. New noctuid species.
The Canadian Entomologist 44:
Barnes & Benjamin, 1925. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 20: 195.
Grote, A.R., 1882. New moths.
The Canadian Entomologist 14(10):
Grote, A.R., 1883. Notes on new species in Mr. Neumoegen's collection.
Papilio 3: