Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Anacampsis consonella (Zeller, 1873)
Gelechia (Trachyptilia) consonella Zeller, 1873
Anacampsis consonella was described by Zeller in 1873, but as of the late 19th century it was incorrectly assessed as a junior synonym of A. rhoifructella, where it remained until the taxonomy was resolved, and the name consonella resurrected, in 2014 (Zootaxa 3794(4): 545-555). Two other names, quadrimaculella and ochreocostella, which also were assigned as junior synonyms of rhoifructella, actually are synonyms of consonella.
Phylogenetic sequence #420475.00
The adult is externally very similar to A. rhoifructella but can be differentiated from it on basis of phenology, appearance of mature larva, and genital morphology of both genders.
Eastern USA and southeastern Canada.
The larva is a leaf feeder on Viburnum spp.
Life Cycle
Univoltine. Mature larva in May (central Illinois), in a characteristic leaf shelter that is identical to that of A. rhoifructella, then pupating and spending ["the rest of the year"--needs clarification of flight period] as an adult.
Life cycle images:
leaf shelter; young larva; older larva; pupa; adult
Print References
Harrison, T.L. & M.R. Berenbaum, 2014.
Anacampsis rhoifructella (Clemens): clarification of its identity and larval biology, and differentiation from a similar species, Anacampsis consonella (Zeller), revised status (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Zootaxa.
3794(4): 545-555.
Zeller, P.C., 1873. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der nordamericanischen Nachtfalter, besonders der Microlepidopteren.
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 23: