Eucnemid larvae - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA January 10, 2007 Size: 6 - 18.5 mm
These are some of the eucnemid or False Click Beetle larvae I found in the soft, white-rot sapwood areas of an aspen trunk section that was suspended upsidedown in a tangle of bittersweet vines. Since I wasn't sure if these very slow-moving larvae would burrow their way into the white-rot chunks I brought home, I made sure not to dig them all out of their burrows. I want some at least to mature so an ID can be established.
I also contacted eucnemid authority Dr. Jyrki Muona to see if he can ID from larval images. He says he can but will have to get home from his travels first.
Images of this individual: tag all Contributed by Jim McClarin on 11 January, 2007 - 8:21pm Last updated 22 October, 2014 - 10:43pm |