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Beetles of Eastern North America
By Arthur V. Evans
Princeton University Press, 2014
ISBN: 0691133042
Cite: 926409 with citation markup [cite:926409]
Beetles of Eastern North America is a landmark book--the most comprehensive full-color guide to the remarkably diverse and beautiful beetles of the United States and Canada east of the Mississippi River. It is the first color-illustrated guide to cover 1,406 species in all 115 families that occur in the region--and the first new in-depth guide to the region in more than forty years. Lavishly illustrated with over 1,500 stunning color images by some of the best insect photographers in North America, the book features an engaging and authoritative text by noted beetle expert Arthur Evans.

Extensive introductory sections provide essential information on beetle anatomy, reproduction, development, natural history, behavior, and conservation. Also included are tips on where and when to find beetles; how to photograph, collect, and rear beetles; and how to contribute to research. Each family and species account presents concise and easy-to-understand information on identification, natural history, collecting, and geographic range. Organized by family, the book also includes an illustrated key to the most common beetle families, with 31 drawings that aid identification, and features current information on distribution, biology, and taxonomy not found in other guides.

An unmatched guide to the rich variety of eastern North American beetles, this is an essential book for amateur naturalists, nature photographers, insect enthusiasts, students, and professional entomologists and other biologists.

Provides the only comprehensive, authoritative, and accessible full-color treatment of the region's beetles
Covers 1,406 species in all 115 families east of the Mississippi River
Features more than 1,500 stunning color images from top photographers
Presents concise information on identification, natural history, collecting, and geographic range for each species and family
Includes an illustrated key to the most common beetle families
Arthur V. Evans is an entomologist, author, lecturer, photographer, and broadcaster. He has written and cowritten many books, including An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles, the Field Guide to Beetles of California, and the National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Insects and Spiders of North America.


"This outstanding book will serve beginning beetle enthusiasts and serious natural historians for years to come. No other book comes close in terms of comprehensiveness. Evans is an expert on beetles and entomology, and this guide reflects his extensive knowledge and experience."--Christopher Carlton, director of the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum

"Unique in coverage and magnificently illustrated with a bounty of live photographs, this outstanding guide will be coveted by multitudes of amateur and professional naturalists in North America and beyond. Serious but user-friendly, the book strikes the right balance between scientific rigor and accessibility. To say I am impressed is an understatement."--Vassili Belov, contributing editor to

Alphabetical ToC by family "Latin" name
For those of us who use and enjoy this book but for whom the phylogenetic arrangement of the Table of Contents is not second nature, this alphabetical version might help (it has been useful for me). You should be able to copy this text and use a word processing app to turn it into a real table.

Aderidae, 382; Agyrtidae, 117; Anthicidae, 377; Anthribidae, 458; Archeocrypticidae, 325; Artematopodidae, 208; Attelabidae, 462; Belidae, 462; Biphyllidae, 276; Boridae, 371; Bostrichidae, 250; Bothrideridae, 305; Brentidae, 466; Buprestidae, 184; Byrrhidae, 195; Byturidae, 274; Callirhipidae, 207; Cantharidae, 238; Carabidae, 63; Cerambycidae, 388; Cerophytidae, 209; Cerylonidae, 307; Chelonariidae, 206; Chrysomelidae, 429; Ciidae, 326; Clambidae, 179; Cleridae, 263; Coccinellidae, 311; Corylophidae, 320; Cryptophagidae, 283; Cucujidae, 288; Cupedidae, 60; Curculionidae, 469; Cybocephalidae, 304; Dermestidae, 246; Derodontidae, 243; Disteniidae, 387; Dryopidae, 198; Dytiscidae, 99; Elateridae, 213; Elmidae, 196; Endecatomidae, 249; Endomychidae, 308; Erotylidae, 277; Eucinetidae, 178; Eucnemidae, 210; Geotrupidae, 149; Glaphyridae, 155; Glaresidae, 146; Gyrinidae, 94; Haliplidae, 96; Heteroceridae, 202; Histeridae, 110; Hybosoridae, 153; Hydraenidae, 114; Hydrophilidae, 105; Jacobsoniidae, 245; Kateretidae, 293; Laemophloeidae, 291; Lampyridae, 234; Latridiidae, 322; Leiodidae, 118; Limnichidae, 201; lschaliidae, 382; Lucanidae, 142; Lutrochidae, 200; Lycidae, 229; Lymexylidae, 258; Megalopodidae, 428; Melandryidae, 329; Meloidae, 365; Melyridae, 271; Micromalthidae, 61; Monotomidae, 281; Mordellidae, 333; Mycetophagidae, 323; Mycteridae, 369; Nemonychidae, 457; Nitid ulidae, 295; Nosodendridae, 244; Noteridae, 97; Ochodaeidae, 152; Oedemeridae, 362; Omethidae, 237; Orsodacnidae, 429; Passalidae, 145; Passandridae, 289; Phalacridae, 290; Phengodidae, 233; Psephenidae, 203; Ptiliidae, 115; Ptilodactylidae, 204; Ptinidae, 252; Pyrochroidae, 373; Pythidae, 372; Rhipiceridae, 183; Ripiphoridae, 338; Salpingidae, 376; Scarabaeidae, 156; Scirtidae, 180; Scraptiidae, 384; Silphidae, 120; Silvanidae, 285; Smicripidae, 305; Sphaeriusidae, 62; Sphindidae, 275; Staphylinidae, 124; Stenotrachelidae, 360; Synchroidae, 359; Tenebrionidae, 344; Tetratomidae, 327; Throscidae, 211; Trogidae, 147; Trogossitidae, 259; Zopheridae, 340

Alphabetical ToC by family common name
Antlike flower beetles (Anthicidae), 377; Antlike leaf beetles (Aderidae), 382; Archeocrypticid beetles (Archeocrypticidae), 325; Artematopodid beetles (Artematopodidae), 208; Bark-gnawing beetles and cadelles (Trogossitidae), 259; Bess beetles (Passalidae), 145; Blister beetles (Meloidae), 365; Bostrichid beetles (Bostrichidae), 250; Bothriderid beetles (Bothrideridae), 305; Bumble bee scarabs (Glaphyridae), 155; Burrowing water beetles (Noteridae), 97; Burying and carrion beetles (Silphidae), 120; Callirhipid beetles (Callirhipidae), 207; Checkered beetles (Cleridae), 263; Chelonariid beetles (Chelonariidae), 206; Cicada parasite beetles (Rhipiceridae), 183; Click beetles (Elateridae), 213; Clown beetles (Histeridae), 110; Conifer bark beetles (Boridae), 371; Crawling water beetles (Haliplidae) , 96; Cryptic slime mold beetles (Sphindidae), 275; Cybocephalid beetles (Cybocephalidae), 304; Cycad weevils (Belidae), 462; Darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae), 344; Dead log beetles (Pythidae), 372; Death-watch and spider beetles (Ptinidae), 252; Disteniid longhorn beetles (Disteniidae), 387; Earth-boring scarab beetles (Geotrupidae), 149; Endecatomid beetles (Endecatomidae), 249; Enigmatic scarab beetles (Glaresidae), 146; False blister beetles (Oedemeridae), 362; False click beetles (Eucnemidae), 210; False darkling beetles (Melandryidae), 329; False flower beetles (Scraptiidae), 384; False longhorn beetles (Stenotrachelidae), 360; False skin beetles (Biphyllidae), 276; False soldier and false firefly beetles (Omethidae), 237; Featherwing beetles (Ptiliidae), 115; Fire-colored beetles (Pyrochroidae), 373; Fireflies, lightningbugs, and glowworms (Lampyridae), 234; Flat bark beetles (Cucujidae), 288; Fruitworm beetles (Byturidae), 274; Fungus weevils (Anthribidae), 458; Glowworms (Phengodidae), 233; Ground, tiger, and wrinkled bark beetles (Carabidae) , 63; Hairy fungus beetles (Mycetophagidae), 323; Handsome fungus beetles (Endomychidae), 308; Hide beetles (Trogidae), 147; Jacobsoniid beetles (Jacobsoniidae), 245; Lady beetles (Coccinellidae), 311; Leaf and seed beetles (Chrysomelidae), 429; Leaf-rolling and thief weevils, and tooth-nose snout beetles (Attelabidae), 462; Lined flat bark beetles (Laemophloeidae), 291; Long-toed water beetles(Dryopidae) , 198; Longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae), 388; lschaliid beetles (lschaliidae), 382; Marsh beetles (Scirtidae), 180; Megalopodid leaf beetles (Megalopodidae), 428; Metallic wood-boring or jewel beetles (Buprestidae) , 184; Minute bark beetles (Cerylonidae), 307; Minute beetles (Clambidae), 179; Minute bog beetles (Sphaeriusidae), 62; Minute brown scavenger beetles (Latridiidae), 322; Minute hooded and fungus beetles (Corylophidae), 320; Minute marsh-loving beetles, 201; Minute moss beetles (Hydraenidae), 114; Minute tree-fungus beetles (Ciidae), 326; Narrow-waisted bark beetles (Salpingidae), 376; Net-winged beetles (Lycidae), 229; Orsodacnid leaf beetles (Orsodacnidae), 429; Palm and flower beetles (Mycteridae), 369; Palmetto beetles (Smicripidae), 305; Parasitic flat bark beetles (Passandridae), 289; Pill or moss beetles (Byrrhidae), 195; Pine flower snout beetles (Nemonychidae), 457; Plate-thigh beetles (Eucinetidae), 178; Pleasing fungus and lizard beetles (Erotylidae), 277; Polypore fungus beetles (Tetratomidae), 327; Predaceous diving beetles (Dytiscidae), 99; Primitive carrion beetles (Agyrtidae), 117; Ptilodactylid beetles (Ptilodactylidae), 204; Rare click beetles (Cerophytidae), 209; Reticulated beetles (Cupedidae), 60; Riffle beetles (Elmidae), 196; Ripiphorid beetles (Ripiphoridae), 338; Root-eating beetles (Monotomidae), 281; Round fungus beetles (Leiodidae), 118; Rove beetles (Staphylinidae), 124; Sand-loving scarab beetles (Ochodaeidae), 152; Sap beetles (Nitidulidae), 295; Scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae), 156; Scavenger and pill scarab beetles (Hybosoridae), 153; Shining flower and shining mold beetles (Phalacridae), 290; Ship-timber beetles (Lymexylidae), 258; Short-winged flower beetles (Kateretidae), 293; Silken fungus beetles (Cryptophagidae), 283; Silvanid flat bark beetles (Silvanidae), 285; Skin beetles (Dermestidae), 246; Soft-winged flower beetles (Melyridae), 271; Soldier beetles (Cantharidae), 238; Stag beetles (Lucanidae), 142; Straight-snouted and pear-shaped weevils (Brentidae), 466; Synchroa bark beetles (Synchroidae), 359; Telephone-pole beetles (Micromalthidae), 61; Throscid beetles (Throscidae), 211; Tooth-neck fungus beetles (Derodontidae), 243; Travertine beetles (Lutrochidae), 200; Tumbling flower beetles (Mordellidae), 333; Variegated mud-loving beetles (Heteroceridae), 202; Water penny beetles (Psephenidae), 203; Water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae), 105; Weevils, and snout, bark and ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae), 469; Whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae) , 94; Wounded-tree beetles (Nosodendridae), 244; Zopherid beetles (Zopheridae), 340

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Evans. A.V. 2014. Beetles of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 560 pp.

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