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Coreid? - Acanthocephala

Coreid? - Acanthocephala
Karnack, Harrison County, Texas, USA
June 6, 2014
Size: 5mm (body)
Eggs found on American Snowbell (Styrax americanus). Looks like a Leaf-footed Bug, but we have several common species here to choose from.

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Coreid? - Acanthocephala Coreid? - Acanthocephala

Moved from ID Request.

If it were farther north, I'd say A. terminalis without a second thought. There are more possibilities in TX, though, and nymphs are tough to begin with, so I feel better leaving it at genus for the time being. Maybe you'll be able to raise it to adulthood, and then we'll know for sure. :)

Moved from Acanthocephala.

many have rather distinctive nymphs, so there is hope someone recognizes it

Having gone through the commo
Having gone through the common species here Acanthocephala terminalis seems like a good fit.

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