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Family Ephydridae - Shore Flies

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Picture-winged fly? - Leptopsilopa Fly - Leptopsilopa atrimana fly - Leptopsilopa Leptopsilopa atrimana Ephydridae? - Leptopsilopa atrimana Fly - Rhysophora robusta Phorid?   - Discomyza incurva - female Tiny ephydrid (?) with wing spots - Psilopa

winter fly - Parydra Metallic fly Diptera Parydra aquila Ephydrid? Shore Fly - Dimecoenia spinosa Fly ~0.5cm - Brachydeutera Ephydridae from Fay Creek - Parydra

Mini Cannister Model (Shore Fly, Actually) - Allotrichoma small fly - Discocerina Shore Fly - Athyroglossa glaphyropus Fly - Ochthera Shore Flies Genus Ochthera mantis complex - Ochthera Shore Flies Genus Ochthera mantis complex - Ochthera Fly - Discocerina obscurella Fly - Ochthera anatolikos

Small Black Fly - Dichaeta Shore Fly - Paralimna punctipennis Fly - Paralimna punctipennis Fly - Dichaeta Fly - Hydrellia Paralimna? - Paralimna Notiphila cf. decoris? - Notiphila Hydrellia?

Fly - Nostima picta Nostima? - Hyadina albovenosa Fly - Zeros flavipes Acalyptratae - Hyadina albovenosa shore fly on marsh marigold - Pelina Philygria debilis - female Ephydrid white markings & dark scutellum - Nostima Ephydrid white markings & dark scutellum - Nostima

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