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Horse Fly - Hybomitra difficilis - female

Horse Fly - Hybomitra difficilis - Female
Allison Park, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA
June 8, 2014

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Horse Fly - Hybomitra difficilis - female Horse Fly - Hybomitra difficilis - female Horse Fly - Hybomitra difficilis - female Horse Fly - Hybomitra difficilis - female

Hybomitra difficilis (Wiedemann), female
Moved from Hybomitra. ID'd from specimen, now a photo-voucher. Thanks John.

Tabanids don't take well to being in alcohol, but your excellent photos supplement the specimen very well.

Thanks Brad
Are Tabanids better kept dry?

It is best to pin them fresh, but when that isn't possible freezing them is a workable solution. Just need to be careful about moisture after removing from freezer so that mold doesn't develop.

I've used the freezing technique
on Gelis that I save for a specialist, she likes them dry because some alcohols can evidently damage DNA.

Freezing is a great way to dispatch specimens
But it is usually not very convenient. Some insects are surprisingly cold tolerant and can last longer than you'd expect in a freezer.

I have had a couple instances
were a Gelis revived and flew off while in the drying stage.

Moved from Horse Flies.

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