Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Hymenoclea palmii (Beutenmüller, 1902)
Sesia palmii Beutenmüller, 1902
Gaee palmii
* phylogenetic sequence #082000
Hymenoclea palmii is the only member of the genus in America north of Mexico.
(1) Size
Forewing length is 10-17 mm; females larger than males.
Eichlin (1992) description is is available in PDF.
The original description as Sesia palmii Beutenmüller, and the Engelhardt (1946) revised description as Hymenoclea palmii are both available online in the print references below.
Sexually dimorphic.
Both sexes have opaque forewings and hindwings.
Females have a white band on the second abdominal segment.
Southern California and Baja California to western Texas.
Moth Photographers Group - large map with some distribution data.
Usually found near the host plant which grow along rivers and irrigation canals.
Adults appear to be most common from July and later. (MPG)
Larval host is
singlewhorl burrobrush (
Hymenoclea monogyra Torr. & A. Gray, Asteraceae)
(2)Life Cycle
The larvae are known to tunnel into the root system up to a depth of several feet.
(2)See Also
Compare on the pinned plates of
Moth Photographers Group.
Print References
Beutenmüller, 1902. Descriptions of new
Sesia. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 10:
126 (3)
Eichlin, T.D. 1992. Clearwing Moths of Baja California, Mexico (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Tropical Lepidoptera 3(2): 135-150 (
Engelhardt, G.P. 1946. The North American Clear-wing Moths of the family Aegeriidae. United States National Museum Bulletin. 190:
pl.23, f.143-144