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Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae

Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae
Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA
January 10, 2007
Size: about 5.1 mm
At last we have an adult to key out! I presume we'll have more. This one must have eclosed Feb. 9, 2007 since I didn't see it in the rearing container the day before. Found and photographed Feb. 10. I preserved it in alcohol in case Eucnemid authority Jyrki Muona needs to examine it in person.

This beetle brought a special present with it. I think it is a heterostigmatan mite that hitches rides on wood-boring beetle species. At first it looked like a tiny speck of light-colored debris that needed to be removed before the photo shoot. I brushed it off with my fine-tipped watercolor paintbrush, then was amused to see this speck run after and climb back on boad the beetle. I'm sending related images to the mites section and might send the mite to Heterostigmata authority Wojciech Magowski of Poland, who IDed some for me that were riding a bos*trichid beetle.

Later: I changed my mind. It's a mesotigmatid mite, confirmed by Dr. Magowski

Images of this individual: tag all
Eucnemid larvae - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid larvae - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid larvae - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid larvae - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid larvae - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid larvae - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid pupae! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid pupae! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid pupae! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid pupae! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae Eucnemid adult! - Dirrhagofarsus ernae

Moved from Dirrhagofarsus.


More adults!
I searched carefully through two rearing containers this evening and found several more adults like this one. One was inside a soft white-rotted piece of aspen wood I broke open. Another had just barely eclosed and still had a pale abdomen.

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