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Species Lycia ypsilon - Woolly Gray - Hodges#6652

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Check list of the Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico.
By Hodges, et al. (editors).
E. W. Classey, London. 284 pp., 1983
Hodges, R.W. et al. (editors) 1983. Check list of the Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico. E. W. Classey, London, UK. 284 pp.

The Laws Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada
By John Muir Laws
Heyday Books, 2007
This is a comprehensive field guide for the Sierra Nevada region of California with everything from plants, animals, reptiles, and of course insects.

Zoology of Colorado
By T.Cockerell
University of Colorado, 1927
Recommended as first reader for students of Colorado insects, especially bees (pp.195 - 208. Good drawings of wing venations).

A Manual for the Study of Insects
By John Henry Comstock, Anna Botsford Comstock
Comstock Publishing Company, Inc., 1930
A classic entomology text with many illustrations. Other editions were published in 1930 and 1936. (Glenn W. Herrick was co-author on the third edition.) The first edition (1895) is in the public domain according to the law in the United States, and should be a good source of diagrams for the BugGuide glossary, for example.

Various editions back to the 1890's--link to the 1930 edition at the Biodiversity Heritage Library.

National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Insects and Spiders & Related Species of North America
By Arthur V. Evans
Sterling, 2007
Covers 940 species and includes over 2,000 color photos.

Seashore Life of the Northern Pacific Coast
By Eugene N. Kozloff
University of Washington Press, 2000
This book covers everything from plants to marine mammals along the coast of the Pacific, as well as Puget Sound, the Strait of Georgia, the San Juan Archipelago and San Francisco Bay.

I have found it extremely useful and it includes many of the mites, insects, isopods, etc. that may be found when visiting the beach.

Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest
By edited by P. D. Boersma, S. H. Reichard, & A. N. Van Buren.
University of Washington Press, 2006
It has a lot of history that is relevant to, in many cases North America in general. It tells when & where the first appearances or introductions of the different species occurred, etc.

It isn't only Arthropods, but it does cover a spider and some arthropods. Because there is so little "new" info available for the Pacific Northwest, I wanted to include this in the Book list.

Natural Enemies Handbook
By Mary Louise Flint and Steve H. Dreistadt
A book about integrated pest management (IPM), the biological control of garden and agricultural pests.
This book includes many useful photos and details about the life cycles of "pests" and their natural arthropod parasites and predators.

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