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California Medfly - Ceratitis capitata - male

California Medfly - Ceratitis capitata - Male
Irvine, Orange County, California, USA
February 19, 2007
A friend spotted one this weekend, and I was thinking about that as I walked from car to house. Bingo! There sits a Medfly on the stucco. After digging around a bit, I concluded that the State isn't currently interested in these guys but is after an Oriental fruit fly, as non-PC as that may be.

As you can see from this and other posts, the fly is tough to photograph. It seems as if something is always out of focus!

My best guess is that this is a sterilized male, as was my friend's. Mine was on its last legs, but still smart and strong enough to avoid capture from fumbling me.

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California Medfly - Ceratitis capitata - male California Medfly - Ceratitis capitata - male California Medfly - Ceratitis capitata - male