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Beetle - Attalus frosti - female

Beetle - Attalus frosti - Female
Allison Park, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA
July 3, 2014

Attalus frosti Marshall, female
Moved from Attalus terminalis. ID'd from specimen, now a photo-voucher. Thanks John.

With all the usual caveats (this family is damn tough to ID), this would appear to be Attalus frosti due to the long notch in the terminal abdominal segment, which also has numerous long hairs. In A. terminalis, I would expect the apex of the elytra to be at least narrowly pale.

A. morulus is very similar with a shorter notch in the last abdominal segement.

Thanks Brad
I wonder if Lisa's is an A. frosti -

might be
hopefully I have it around here somewhere

Moved tentatively; hope Brad confirms
Moved from Malachiinae.

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