Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Spargania magnoliata Guenée, [1858]
Coenocalpe cumatilis Grote & Robinson, 1867
Lobophora incommodata Walker, 1862
Larentia placidata Walker, 1862
Larentia ziczacata Walker, 1862
Hydriomena pernotata Hulst, 1898
Cidaria quadripunctata Packard, 1871
Spargania ruptata Barnes & McDunnough, 1917
Phylogenetic Sequence # 910155
forewing gray with white AM and PM bands, and up to 10 scalloped dark gray lines variably shaded with black; discal spot large, black
hindwing dirty white shaded with gray, usually with slight pink tint; terminal line black; finge white [adapted from description by Charles Covell]
Specimens identified by DNA Analysis:
wherever Fireweed grows: mostly northern United States (south in the Appalachians to the northern tip of Georgia, and south in the Rockies to California) plus Alaska and every province and territory of Canada except Prince Edward Island
forest clearings, recently burned-over sites undergoing succession, meadows, roadsides
adults fly from May to September
larvae feed on Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), other willow-herbs (Epilobium spp.) and evening-primrose (Oenothera spp.)
See Also
(AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, UT) - Check the color of the hind-wings to eliminate
Spargania viridescens.
Square-patched Carpet -
Perizoma basaliata
(Arizona, Mexico) -
Psaliodes fervescens
Internet References
BOLD - Barcode of Life Data Systems - species account with photographs of pinned adults and DNA sequence
pinned adult image (James Adams, Dalton State College, Georgia)
larval food plant (Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands; USGS)
common name reference (NHIC, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)
flight season (Canadian Forest Service)