Species Syzeton hubbardi
New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Mycetophagidae, Tetratomidae, and Melandryidae By Webster R.P., Sweeney J.D., Demerchant I. Zookeys 179: 215-242, 2012
Contributed by v belov on 28 January, 2013 - 5:38pm |
New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Stenotrachelidae, Oedemeridae, Meloidae, Myceteridae, Boridae, Pythidae... By Webster R.P., Sweeney J.D., Demerchant I. Zookeys 179: 279-307, 2012
Full title: New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Stenotrachelidae, Oedemeridae, Meloidae, Myceteridae, Boridae, Pythidae, Pyrochroidae, Anthicidae, and Aderidae.
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Contributed by v belov on 28 January, 2013 - 5:38pm |
The Anthicidae and Ischaliidae of Atlantic Canada By Majka C.G. J. Acad. Ent. Soc. 7: 50-64, 2011
Contributed by v belov on 21 May, 2011 - 1:30pm |
False darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) and allies of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone By Majka C.G., Pollock D.A. NRC Research Press. Ottawa, Ontario, 2010
In: Assessment of Species Diversity in the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. Edited by: McAlpine D.F., and Smith I.M. NRC Research Press. Ottawa, Ontario. pp 453-463.
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The chapter treats Melandryidae, Tetratomidae, Scraptidae, and Synchroidae.
Contributed by v belov on 3 December, 2010 - 12:41pm |
A contribution to the phylogeny of the Ciidae and its relationships with other Cucujoid and Tenebrionoid beetles By Buder, G., C. Grossmann, A. Hundsdoerfer & K.-D. Klass Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 66(2): 165–190, 2008
Contributed by v belov on 24 December, 2009 - 8:46pm |
Phylogeny and classification of Cucujoidea and the recognition of a new superfamily Coccinelloidea (Coleoptera: Cucujiformia) By Robertson J.A., Ślipiński A., Moulton M., Shockley F.W., Giorgi A., Lord N.P., McKenna D.D., Tomaszewska W., Forrester J. ... Syst. Entomol. doi: 10.1111/syen.12138, 2015
Contributed by v belov on 7 August, 2015 - 4:08pm |
New North American associations of Coleoptera with Myxomycetes By Stephenson S.L., Wheeler Q.D., McHugh J.V., Fraissinet P.R. J. Nat. Hist. 28: 921–936, 1994
Contributed by v belov on 21 December, 2023 - 4:42pm |
New southwestern Buprestidae and Cerambycidae with notes. By Knull, J.N. Ohio Journal of Science 37(5): 301-309., 1937
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Knull, J.N. 1937. New southwestern Buprestidae and Cerambycidae with notes. Ohio Journal of Science 37(5): 301-309.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 22 September, 2022 - 3:28pm |