Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Anomis illita (Guenée, 1852)
Anomis praerupta (Moschler 1890)
Ristra tortuosa Walker 1858
Phylogenetic sequence #930608
One of nine species for the genus in America north of Mexico.
Southeastern United States, straying northward.
Found throughout much of tropical America.
Type locality: Brazil
Moth Photographers Group - large range map with some collection dates.
Most records are from September and October. Adults are found year round in southern Florida.
Bug Guide - map of photo records submitted to the guide.
Print References
Lafontaine J. D., and B. C. Schmidt 2010. Annotated check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America North of Mexico. p. 26.
Hodges, Ronald W. (ed.) 1983. Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico.
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map with some collection dates, photos of living and pinned adults.
Moth Photographers Group - photo of living adult and related species for comparison.
Moths of Jamaica - pinned adult.