Family Alydidae - Broad-headed Bugs
Two alien Heteroptera (Hemiptera) new to Canada By Scudder G.G.E. J. Ent. Soc. B.C. 104: 81–84, 2007
new data on Rhopalus tigrinus (Rhopalidae) and Plinthisus brevipennis (Rhyparochromidae)
Contributed by v belov on 7 November, 2010 - 2:03am |
Heteroptera of economic importance By Schaefer C.W., Panizzi A.R. (eds) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 828 pp., 2000
Full text
A wealth of information on true bugs; chapters are authored by leading experts.
Contributed by v belov on 19 October, 2010 - 1:58pm |
New provincial and state records for Heteroptera (Hemiptera) in Canada and the United States By Scudder G.G.E. J. Ent. Soc. B.C. 105: 3-18, 2008
Contributed by v belov on 5 June, 2010 - 3:45pm |
Identification manual for the aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera of Florida By Epler J.H. FL Dept. Env. Prot., Tallahassee, FL. 186 pp., 2006
Full title: Identification Manual for the Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Heteroptera of Florida (Belostomatidae, Corixidae, Gelastocoridae, Gerridae, Hebridae, Hydrometridae, Mesoveliidae, Naucoridae, Nepidae, Notonectidae, Ochteridae, Pleidae, Saldidae, Veliidae)
Full text
pdf pages: Belostomatidae 23, Corixidae 33, Gelastocoridae 65, Gerridae 71, Hebridae 99, Hydrometridae 109, Mesoveliidae 115, Naucoridae 119, Nepidae 125, Notonectidae 131, Ochteridae 141, Pleidae 145, Saldidae 149,
Contributed by v belov on 1 February, 2010 - 7:29am |
True Bugs of the World (Hemiptera:Heteroptera): Classification and Natural History By Randall T. Schuh & James Alexander Slater. 1995. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York., 1995
Schuh, R.T. and J.A. Slater. 1995. True Bugs of the World (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Classification and Natural History. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. xii + 336 pp.
Limited Google Print Preview here
From Cornell UP:
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 20 February, 2009 - 12:30pm |
Heteroptera of Economic Importance By Carl W. Schaefer, and Antonio Ricardo Panizzi CRC Press, 2000
Heteroptera of Eastern North America By W.S. Blatchley The Nature Publishing Company, 1926
Great resource for true bugs of Eastern North America, although sorely out of date.
Contributed by Brad Barnd on 25 June, 2007 - 8:09pm |
Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True Bugs of Canada and the Continental United States By Thomas J. Henry, Richard C. Froeschner Brill Academic Publishers, 1988
A thick book cataloging all 3834 North American species from 45 families. Things have probably changed some since 1988, but at almost 1000 pages there's lots of good info here. Mostly the species are just listed, but there are some illustrations and sometimes distribution info.
I wouldn't recommend paying the going used rate of over $100 for this, but I got lucky on a new copy off eBay for a good bit less than that.
If someone wants me to look something up for them in my copy, I'd be happy to do that. Just send me an email and be patient, it may take me a few days to get around t