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Wierd... - Cybister

Wierd... - Cybister
Houston, Harris County, Texas, USA
March 4, 2007
Size: ~8mm
Found in a large puddle. This puddle had the most life I ever saw in one. In every square inch there was literally about 200 small creatures... And that just what you could see!

probably Thermonectus, definitely not Cybister
I'm an aquatic ecology grad student working in the Houston area, and I use Cybister larvae in some of my experiments. Based on the overall appearance and the fact that it was found in a puddle, I'd put my money on Thermonectus, probably T. basillaris. Adults of this species seem to disperse to new habitats readily and frequently occupy small bodies of water.

Moved from Cybister.

Moved from Dysticinae.

Cybister sp..
most likely a 1st instar


Moved from Beetles.

Another other-worldly critter. Neat find.

This is an aquatic beetle lar
This is an aquatic beetle larvae, they are predators of everything which is the right size to eat...

In fact
Judy Semroc, pond life photographer extraordinaire, agrees and says it is the larva of a predaceous diving beetle.

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