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Species Cambala annulata

Millipede - Cambala annulata Millipede - Cambala annulata Cambala annulata Cambala annulata Cambala annulata Cambala annulata Cambala annulata
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Myriapoda (Myriapods)
Class Diplopoda (Millipedes)
Order Spirostreptida
Family Cambalidae
Genus Cambala
Species annulata (Cambala annulata)
Explanation of Names
Cambala annulata (Say 1821)
western PA to Jackson Co., FL (where FL, AL, & GA come together) and extends eastward to the inner Coastal Plain. It occurs sympatrically (together with) another species in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province of NC & TN. It is a large-bodied species of Cambala as is the other in the Blue Ridge, but to the west from IL/IN to AL & TX, narrower-bodied species occur that are around the size of a pencil lead. Species of Cambala occur in caves in the Ozarks & TX, and surface members range northward through Colorado to Idaho & western Washington. The genus also occurs near the Pacific Coast in Oregon. ‒Rowland Shelley