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Infraorder Tipulomorpha - Crane Flies

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Revision of the Crane Fly Genus Dicranoptycha in North America
By Chen Young
The University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 1987
Link to article at the Biodiversity Heritage Library currently here:

Contributions toward a knowledge of the natural history and immature stages of the crane-flies I. The genus Polymera Weidemann
By J.S. Rogers
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 268: 1-13., 1933
PDF online here.

Describes the natural history and immature stages of the two North American species of Polymera.

The crane fly genus Chionea in North America
By George W. Byers
University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 1983
Byers, George W. "The crane fly genus Chionea in North America," University of Kansas Science Bulletin 52:59-195.

A revision of the genus with new species, key, and description of biology and habits so far as they are known.

Online at

The crane fly genus Dolichopeza in North America
By Byers G.W.
Kans. U. Sci. Bull. 42: 665-924, 1961

A review of the subfamily Cylindrotominae in North America (Diptera, Tipulidae)
By Brodo, Fenja
University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 1967

The winter crane flies of the eastern United States (Diptera: Trichoceridae)
By Pratt, HD & Pratt, GK
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 86: 249-265, 1984

The winter crane flies of North America north of Mexico (Diptera: Trichoceridae)
By Pratt H.D.
Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 105: 901-914, 2003

Guide to the Insects of Connecticut Part VI. The Diptera or True Flies Fifth Fascicle: Midges and Gnats
By Johannsen OA, Townes HK, Shaw FR, Fisher EG
State Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin No. 80, 1952
Tendipedidae (Chironomidae) by Johannsen OA and Townes HK
Heleidae (Ceratopogonidae) by Johannsen OA
Fungivoridae (Mycetophilidae) by Shaw FR and Fisher EG

not available online as far as I know

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