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Another species of Eucnemidae - Dromaeolus badius

Another species of Eucnemidae - Dromaeolus badius
Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA
March 14, 2007
Size: 15 - 19 mm
Honestly, I wasn't trying to find another eucnemid species. After work and a stop at the grocery I pulled over to investigate some aspen logs I had visited before, looking for shi*p timb*er wor*m beetles, when my hatchet revealed a by-now-familiar sight, eucnemid larvae.

These eucnemids were far more orange-tan than prior finds, were all straight as an arrow in their burrows, which ran with the grain, and to my naked eye (well, I was wearing corrective lenses), their markings appeared substantially different from my prior eucnemid larva finds. I saw no adults. I noticed that the wood was not white-rotted and was more solid than the wood another species was in that I found in a section of an adjacent aspen tree less than 10 feet (3 meters) away. Another distinguishing trait is likely to be the uniform width of the segments to and including the terminus.

I collected some chunks of wood in which the larvae remained imbedded and will try to rear all except three damaged ones to maturity. The damaged ones I pickled in ethyl alcohol so their DNA can be studied if desired.

Moved from Beetles.

Moved from Dromaeolus badius.

Moved from Dromaeolus.

Moved from Dromaeolus.


Dr. Jyrki Muona, Finnish Museum of Natural History says:
this is pretty amazing...
Judging from the colour and the details, I would say it is Dromaeolus and all the Eastern species are possible, although only harringtoni (the rarest) is known from NH. I have larvae of two Onichodon and one Fornax species and this is not any of them. I guess you already know what I would like to have.:)

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