Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Eupithecia miserulata Grote, 1863
about 160
Eupithecia species are found in America north of Mexico.
62 species in Canada
Adult: grayish to grayish brown; the pattern is usually indistinct except for the prominent discal dot,with the subterminal area varying from being concolorous with the wing to light gray or orange (in early spring specimens), and with a faint darkened spot above the outer angle. The hind wings are concolorous with the forewings, and have a small discal spot and a variably represented extradiscal line. The under surface is basically similar to the upper, but with a greater degree of variation, as the maculation varies from faint to very prominent
Specimen identified by DNA analysis:
In males, the scales can be brushed off the tail, revealing the distinct 8th sternite
Larva: Caterpillar very variable in color, but usually with a pattern of diagonal lines which commonly "join over dorsum to form arrows atop first six or seven abdominal segments."
Nova Scotia to Florida
(5), west to Texas
(6), north to Ontario; also occurs in western United States from Arizona, and California
(7) to Washington.
On Block Island, RI, adults fly May through November in three or more overlapping generations.
(10) Food
Larvae feed on a wide variety of plants such as aster, clover, coneflower, hoptree, juniper,
Myrica species, oak, cherry, willow.
(2)Life Cycle
Overwinters as a pupa.
Click on an image to view the life cycle:
Caterpillar Pupa Pupa Adult
Coloration of caterpillar frequently blends with that of the food plant.
See Also
Many species of Eupithecia are similar looking and difficult to distinguish.
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - photos of live and pinned adults.
distribution in Canada list of provinces (CBIF)